4 Asanas that will Help you Improve your Balance during Pregnancy4 min read

A problem that often occurs in pregnant women is the lack of balance because of the change in the center of gravity.

Below you will find 4 asanas that will help you improve your balance, strengthen your legs and connect to your center.

Before you start there are some important instructions:

  • Ask your gynecologist if you can do yoga.
  • During pregnancy, approach your body calmly, with a disposition for observation, with courtesy and with respect to the little creature within you, never reach your limits, always stop one step before.
  • When you are breathing my advice is to measure slowly from within you up to 3 in each inhalation and again up to 3 in each expiration. Breathing plays a very important role!
  • If you feel any discomfort, such as cramping, or pain in the abdomen, lie on your back, rest and try again the next day. Not all days are the same, listen to your body every day as if it were a special occasion.


Let’s start:

1. The Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

After you reach your mattress, open your legs in the opening of your pelvis(not more closed). Hold your palms together in front of your heart in prayer, in the beginning. Start slowly bending your legs as you look at your toes, sit as low as you can while your attention is focused on activating the quads and buttocks. Your tail is constantly coming down softly and if you can stretch your arms high, if not, hold it in place of prayer. Take 5 to 10 slow deep breaths and don’t forget to check if you can see your toes all the time! Repeat 3 to 5 times.


2. The Warrior 1 Pose(Vira Bhadrasana 1)

Once again start with your feet parallel in the opening of your pelvis and send your right foot about one and a half steps forward. Your pelvis looks at the front of your mattress. Bring your hands to your waist and look at the two fingers of your right foot to look straight ahead with the back sole at a 45 degrees angle to the front. Bend your front knee well so that it does not cross your foot while your back leg is tight. You constantly send your pelvis facing forward, your tail pointing softly downwards. Now you can stretch your arms high. Beware, most people steal and do not bend the front leg well, bend as much as you feel your quadriceps are on fire! Take 5 to 10 breaths and return to your original position. Repeat on the other foot. Repeat asana up to 3 times on each leg.


3. The Warrior 2 Pose(Vira Bhadrasana 2)

Now your pelvis looks at the big side of the mat. Open your arms right and left and stretch them until your shoulders open. Bring your feet parallel to just under your wrists, and then twist your right foot so that you look straight ahead, that is, 90 degrees from the back. Bend your right foot so that your knee reaches just above the ankle (and most here steal, bend your foot well). Turn your head to look at your right palm. Be careful not to slip your right knee inward but to be constantly above your ankle in a nice right angle. Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from one another. Take 5 to 10 breaths and return to your original position. Repeated on the other foot. Repeat asana up to 3 times on each leg.


4. The Warrior 3 Pose (Vira Bhadrasana 3)

This is a little bit more difficult and may require more training. Come again with your feet into the opening of your pelvis and bring your hands to your waist. Now slowly start shifting your weight to your right foot as you lift your left back tight and lower your chest to the ground. Hold your right foot slightly bent and notice if your pelvis looks at the earth, square it as much as you can and magnetize your feet between them. If you’re ready, stretch your arms forward, otherwise keep them in your waist or open the right and left (so it’s a little easier). Take 5 to 10 breaths and return to your original position. Repeat on the other foot. Repeat asana up to 3 times on each leg.

I wish you a good practice!


Marianna Thimiaki



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