Tag Archives: Meditation

Guru Mantra – My Inner Teacher

In sutra 1.29 it is said that the repetition of mantras prevents all the obstacles(antarayas). Chanting is a beautiful tool and practice that activates the Vagus Nerve which is connected with the parasympathetic system, the vagus nerve branches out to smaller nerves located in the brain, the tongue, the heart, the lunges, and the stomach. In moments of stress or discomfort …

Learn the Ujjayi Breath

There are many forms of breath-work in yoga (called pranayama). Some are very active and stimulating, and there are times when these pranayamas are beneficial. But to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system, which is our rest-and-digest system, we need the slow, deep pranayama known as ujjayi. Jaya means victory. Ujjayi means victorious or conquering. It is so-called because the …

Breath Explained by Richard Freeman

This an amazing text for breath or Prana. I found it in the book The Art of Vinyasa of Richard Freeman and Mary Tailor. It is a “must-read” for all the ashtanga practitioners and for the vinyasa practitioners in general. It is a journey at the breathing function on the physical and energetic level, and amazing analysis of the ujjayi …