Tag Archives: Yoga

Why Yoga for Kids?

The practice of yoga is a path that leads to inner peace, to the strengthening of the personality, and as a result of the previous ones to the better version of yourself. It’s a guide to creating a complete and happy adult. I will not analyze the physical benefits (which are just as important), but the benefits that are not …

The Journey Towards The Self

We are born good. Smiley. Happy. With an inner, unconscious-yet-certainty, that we were given the gift of Life. We are curious, dazzled by what we discover every day. And we keep laughing. Unnecessarily. We are thrilled with each new discovery! What a perfect life! And then, little by little, we start to “grow up”. To “mature”. We learn the “musts” …

Yoga in the Digital Age

Everything in our lives has changed lately, everything has adapted to the age of the coronavirus, and of course the same has happened with our practice. We have left the real rooms and we have been transferred to virtual meeting places. Most of us, teachers and students, had some resistance at first, but we tried to adapt to the new …