Simple pebbles which are transformed after Liana’s touch. They take shapes, have warm colours, zen themes and without a doubt a lot of her positive energy. You fall in love at first sight with them and it’s a great idea for small but unusual gifts.
Liana inspires us through the creations to use nature as our canvas and perhaps the next time we find some pebbles we will also try to create something!
Meet the pharmacist with the warm eyes, the true smile, the noble heart, and her pebbles!
Liana Mavroudi (Zen) talks to us:
Yoga and meditation is an important part of my lifestyle for many years. My friends call me Zen.
Travelling fascinates me and through that I came closer to the art and Eastern philosophy that I always loved.
But what fascinates me the most and inspires me is the creation, the simple things that become precious when you offer them, when the faces are illuminated by a sudden but real joy …
By gathering pebbles, I borrow energy from nature and by painting them I give them my own. So I started to offer them to the people that I love and to our pharmacy customers who are going through difficult times. Something like a lucky charm, along with a wish!
My motto:
Gratitude for everything that comes and is offered, whether it is good or bad: I can learn something from everything!
Trust in life, in the universe and in ourselves!
If you are interested to get one of the pebbles you can contact Liana through the following links:
- Email:
- Facebook: liana mavroudi
- Instagram: liana_mavroudi
Modern Yogi