Tag Archives: Meditation

The Definition of Mindfulness & a Basic Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness functions in an atmosphere of detachment and aspires towards pure objectivity, an awareness which reflects the nature of the object exactly as they are, without adding to them, without elaborating upon them, without interpreting them through the screens of subjective evaluation and commentary. – Bhikkhu Bodhi Mindfulness is the term that describes a mental or psychological property of the …

Kapalabhati Kriya

For pranayama practitioners, Kapalabhati is the most important kriya. It should be mastered before any pranayama is commenced (unless it is very, very basic pranayama) and it should prelude any immediate individual pranayama session (unless the practitioner is very advanced).   Benefits The Hatha Yoga Pradipika states that Kapalabhati dries up all the disorders stemming from an excess of phlegm …