A Healthier Chocolate Mousse With Avocado!

Try a healthier chocolate mousse with fewer calories but equally tasteful – with avocado! Where to start about avocados! Internationally famous, the avocado is a favorite cooking and pastry ingredient, but surprisingly used in vegan or vegetarian cuisines. Even though it is the main ingredient of the famous and unbeatable guacamole, its uses can be very versatile: avocado toast as …

Kapalabhati Kriya

For pranayama practitioners, Kapalabhati is the most important kriya. It should be mastered before any pranayama is commenced (unless it is very, very basic pranayama) and it should prelude any immediate individual pranayama session (unless the practitioner is very advanced).   Benefits The Hatha Yoga Pradipika states that Kapalabhati dries up all the disorders stemming from an excess of phlegm …

Vegan Cacao Energy Balls

If you make your own plant-based milk from your favorite nut, it’s time to hear what you can make with the shredded almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, or walnuts that are leftover. We have already mentioned in a previous post “How to make your own almond milk” that you should keep the shredded nuts in the fridge after you have reduced their …

Purnamadah Chant

In sutra 1.29 it is said that the repetition of mantras prevents all the obstacles(antarayas). Chanting is a beautiful tool and practice that activates the Vagus Nerve which is connected with the parasympathetic system, the vagus nerve branches out to smaller nerves located in the brain, the tongue, the heart, the lunges and the stomach. In moments of stress or discomfort …